Saturday, February 13, 2010

Shoe Spot Sex Assault Sale! Product line.

The new product lines are being developed now, and will be online and availible for purchase within the next few weeks.

Loza needs to advertize more, so I'm going to help him, with an exciting line of The Shoe Spot SEX ASSAULT SALE posters, t-shirts, coffee mugs and a plethora of other insulting goodies.
GUS LOZA; putting the "ASS" in assault.
Soon to be debuted are two new, lines inspired by the continuing abusive and hateful antics of Gustavo D Loza, and Tina Ramos; or as I call them, "Shithead and Lardball"......

There will be a line of Gus Loza "Do you want to fuck me in the ass?" products.

And a line of Borinquena "La Borinquena: Home of the Racist Tamale!" products.
I did nothing to hurt Gus and Tina, yet these two pieces of dogshit willfully destroyed my life, I feel obligated to return the favor.